Liverpool League Matches FAQs

Here we have a list of frequently asks questions about playing in the Liverpool Badminton League and what this means for playing at our Club. If you can't find an answer here, please get in touch on our website.

  1. What leagues exist in Liverpool? There are 3 mixed leagues and 1 men's league

  2. When does the season start and end? The league plays between September and April each year. May to August there is no league matches.

  3. How do I play in the leagues? You need to be affiliated with a Liverpool Badminton Club, you also need to be a familiar player at the club and apply with the club to play matches for them. Each club has their own application method for representing them.

  4. How many teams does South Liverpool Badminton Club have? We have 3 mixed teams, we are looking to start a 4th. We have 2 men's teams.

  5. How can I play for South Liverpool Badminton Club in the leagues? We have several options where you can play for either in the mixed teams or the men's teams, subject to numbers wanting to play we can add more teams to the league to play. You need to be a regular player on either our Sunday or Wednesday nights to play in the mixed teams and any night if you want play in our men's teams. You need to contact the club secretary before January to be able to play in this current season.

  6. What night does the mixed teams play on? There is a mixture of home and away matches played throughout the season, 50% of matches are at home, 50% are away. When the mixed team has a home match, they take 2 courts on a club night for 2 hours to play all their games.

  7. What night does the men's teams play on? All men's fixtures are on a Tuesday night at a single venue all season. The venue is Holly Lodge Girls School and the matches are 7:30-9:30pm.

  8. I play already on a night but I don't want to play in a league match, how does this impact me? There are 2 courts available for non competing players to continue their matches on in the same way club night usually occurs. Once the matches have finished, the 2 courts used for matches become available again for the club night.

  9. How much does it cost to play in a team? There are several costs which need to be covered, see the below section for answers

  10. I only play on a Wednesday, can I play in a mixed team? Yes! We are looking to see if we can form a team from our Wednesday players.

  11. If I play in a mixed team, can I play in the men's team? No, mixed team players can only play mixed matches. Mixed team players can play in for their team and for any team above them in the same club if called upon as a substitute. For example, if you play for the 3rd mixed team you are eligible to be called upon to play in the 2nd or 1st mixed team.

  12. If I play in the men's team can I play mixed team matches? Yes, men's team players can be called upon to play for a mixed team. Similarly if you play for our 2nd men's team you could be called upon to play as a substitute for our 1st men's team.

  13. I want to play matches but I can't commit my time, can I still play? Yes you can put yourself down as a substitute. This is what our non-member payment options mentioned below allows.

  14. Who picks the teams? Based on the list of players who have put themselves down as wanting to play, a selection committee is formed of past team captains to form the following seasons teams. Players who have put themselves down as a substitute are not put forward for team selection.

  15. Who picks which players play in a match? A team captain is picked at the start of the season to manage the matches. It is the team captains responsibility to make sure there is a team to play a match. They pick first from their selected team of players, if there are spots to fill, they then reach out to the substitutes and the other team players in the club.

  16. Where can I find a list of all fixtures? This can be found on the Liverpool League Website. See our Mixed League Page and Men's League Page for easy navigation

  17. Will there now be matches on a Wednesday? Not necessarily, if we don't get the uptake of players there will be no change to Wednesday nights. If we do introduce matches to Wednesday there would only be 5 matches at home between September and April. We will tell everyone when these are happening.

  18. Can I watch the matches if I'm not playing? Of course! you will find a better standard of opponent who plays in the league, everyone learns by watching them the matches. You learn even more by playing in them!

Costs for playing in a team

Due to insurances there are several costs which need to be covered to be eligible to compete in league competition

All Players Must:

Have an active Badminton England Membership

Match Fees

Subject to whether you have a monthly membership (aka member) with the club affects how much match fees you pay.

*Non Members pay a £25 fee before first match to cover administration costs associated with the league.

If you cease your membership mid season you will need to pay the £25 to continue playing matches.